Gitarr-IQ 170
Bara blunda och njut. Kan ha lyssnat på denna video 27 ggr i rad nu. Kommer lyssna minst 27 gånger till innan jag lagt mig. Min gitarr-IQ: 12 This guy: >170
The Sound Of May 21, 2022
So damn good. JP Cooper, soul IQ: 150
Another world record from our dexterous friend
There will probably be a lot more records coming from this guy’s hands. This is just sooo satisfying to watch! Game-IQ: 167
”2000 IQ” (two-handed game)
Not quite sure if the game itself is called ”2000 IQ”, it’s the title of the original video, but that really doesn’t matter. This guy is beyond human! And if you [...]
The Girl All Vocal Coaches Are Talking About
You have seen her before here in the blog. In this video she covers ”Rise up” to perfection. For some reason the video is deleted or privated every once in a while on Youtube, one [...]
Ever wondered what IQ >170 looks like in singing?
Then take a look at her lips and teeth carefully (designated to braces or not, I don’t really care). Not even going to mention her voice. This is perfection. And she is sitting. More inside...
Året är 1995
“Den här terminens pjäs kommer vara Alfons Åberg. Det blir väl kul?”. Jag är 5 år. Jag förstår mig inte på fröknarnas envisa dramapedagogik, men jag vet att jag kommer få någon avancerad roll med [...]